HolographAR manual Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Nihon University If you have any questions, problems, and/or comments, e-mail to: yoshikawa.hiroshi@nihon-u.ac.jp Quick guide 1. Download HolographAR.zip and unzip 2. Confirm your web camera driver is properly installed 3. Print markers from "Markers.pdf" and cut them outside black squares 4. Glue markers on cardboards 5. Check about markers with "MarkersList.pdf" 6. Double click "HolographAR.exe" 7. If "No glut32.dll" error occurse, install it from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?glut32 8. On Property Sheet, select resolution and frame rate 9. Reduce them if you have any problems 10. Enjoy HolographAR